June Edition 2015 - THE TWEED RIDE REPORT exclusively here on RidingPretty's Blog
Vienna Tweed Ride Picnic - June 7
Beret Baguette Ride San-Francisco - June 7
Tweed Ride Manchester (Albert SQ) - June 10
Velo Vintage Ride, UK - June 13
Seersucker Social Washington D.C. - June 13
Tweed Picnic Budapest, HU - June 13
Eroica Britannia, UK - June 19 to 21
Velo Aggo Retro Ride Laval, FR – June 21
Vienna Tweed Ride - June 21
Seersucker Ride (BLRC) Buffalo, NY - June 21
Fabulous Lady's Ride Portland, OR - June 24
Tweed Run Liverpool, UK - June 28
Tweed Ride Manchester, UK - July 5
Retro GPCC Tweed Ride Valladolid, ES - July 19
Seersucker Ride Naperville, Il - July 26
Picnic Ride(Nothingham Classic) Newstead, UK -July 26
Tweed & Tea Ride Bexhill, UK - Sept 5
Tweed Ride Malmö - Sept 7
Tweed Retro Ride (Achielle) Pittem, BE - Sept 13
Historic Cycles Day West Sussex, UK - Sept 13
Tweed Ride Winnipeg, MB - Sept 13
Tweed Ride Stockholm - Sept 19
Tweed Ride Berlin, DE - Sept 20
Tweed Ride (La Belle Epoque) Rome, IT - Oct 10
Tweed Ride Quad-Cities, IA - Oct 24
June is becoming a prime month for Tweed Rides and Vintage Rides. And why not? By adding adventure to otherwise ordinary vacation plans, and along with ideal temperate weather in many places, June’s Tweed and Vintage Rides are a proving to be a destination of desire deep in the hearts for many of us. Have a look at some of June's rides below and you'll see what I mean.
The distinctions are blurring. Is it a Vintage Ride with some people wearing Tweed attire? Or is it a Tweed Ride with some people wearing vintage anything attire?
Is it a Seersucker Ride, a Linen Ride predicated by sheer practicality due to the blistering hot temperatures? What about French inspired rides -- baguettes and berets anyone? What about the Eroica Rides with perfectly classic and authentic cycle racing attire, (say for instance merino wool) which becomes the de rigueur?
Of course and needless to say, many spend way more attention to the actual bicycle that is being ridden -- it’s authenticity and roadworthiness, and how it’s vintage pedigree stands up, it’s overall appeal, and finally the way the bike has been highly personalized and styled to wildly idiocentric and delightfully eccentric tastes.
Cheers! - See you in July, or perhaps August since summer is a slow time for adding new rides.
You can see what rides were happening in June 2014 and June 2013.
The FB community connection: Join Us in the conversation in our -- The Tweed Ride (Report) Community which you can find on FaceBook.
THE TWEED RIDE REPORT - Please visit: There you can get in touch. Connecting you with the various ride organizers, the ride details and the event site – it’s also where you'll find the incredible design posters that link to the actual ride event itself.
Thanks for supporting. Thanks for visiting!
#tweedride #tweedrun #tweedridereport