Headed up the coast towards San Francisco...
(all images by Maria Micaelson /wesharethesamestomach)
You've encountered Maria Michaelson and a chance to tell your story. "I am biking across California, and onward, with a recorder embedded into a sculptural bicycle cart."
Maria Michaelson is blogging about her journey here. She hasn't been on this journey long, but does have several days worth of stories to share.
Odd coincidence. I discovered her randomly on the interwebs via local nomade while looking for local wild food foragers (I've blogged about foraging by bicycle) ... Then my BF comes bursting through the door telling me about this crazy artist and her bike he'd encountered earlier in his day and sigh.. naturally he'd had no camera with him to prove it. Ha, you mean this woman's blog I happen to be looking at this moment?!! Strange- so I knew I was meant to share her story!
She reminds me a bit of the two heroines in the story of the "Lure of the Open Road", which I shared last summer with you if you remember that post.
Let me know if you see Maria on the road!