21 October 2009

Tweed Ride SF - October Sunday Picnic in the Park

Tweed Ride  photos by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride photos by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride SF 2 girls on bicycles photo by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride SF  ridingpretty helmet

Tweed Ride SF  Colin photo by  ridingpretty

Tweed Ride umbrella duel on bicycles photo by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride photo by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride  photos by ridingpretty

Tweed Ride photo by  ridingpretty

Tweed Ride SF  Colin photo by  ridingpretty

(photos top to bottom- Sunday Picnic, 2 girls, Heidi models a RidingPretty Helmet, Colin prepares for Umbrella duel, Umbrella Duel Tweed Chicken, Tea Time, Colin Hosts a Toast to another Fine Tweed Ride...all photos by RidingPretty)

Writing this while sipping my Lady Earl Grey Tea and thinking fondly upon this last Sunday's SF Tweed Ride. Beautiful, if some what overcast, the day was so very enjoyable in the company of the SF Tweeders. Everyone convened at the Flower Conservatory, after a civilized ride through the streets of SF (mainly via the SF wiggle.) I was lucky to attend, everything being so extremely very last minute on my part. I didn't have time to rent or borrow a bicycle for the ride once I arrived in SF, I was just happy enough to have a caught a car ride up from Santa Cruz! With better, more advanced planning I'd love to get my vintage 'Pretty Britty' brought up next time.

Everyone was so delightful, tea and Pims and lovely picnic spreads, dreamy covetous bicycles,
fantastic Tweed attire, hysterical games and prizes to be won....sigh. I hope you can get a feel for it all from these photos. I had more but decided on these very few to convey the day.

Special thanks to Heidi who so graciously agreed to model my helmet for me, so I could see what it looked like on some one other than myself...I'd finished it only the night before in hopes I'd get to SF in time to either rent or borrow a bicycle for the ride, and anyway Heidi was just so sweet to pose for me!

Also I was so happy to finally meet Colin. Colin started the very first Tweed Ride, that is the first one after of course the Very Original London Tweed Run. SF Tweed Ride is now on its 4 or 5th ride, while other cities like Sydney, Chicago, Boston (and more!) have begun their own Tweed Rides.