07 April 2015

April Edition of The Tweed Ride Report 2015


April Edition 2015 - THE TWEED RIDE REPORT exclusively here on RidingPretty's Blog

Tweed Ride Manchester, UK  - Apr 5

Tweed Ride Newport Pagnell, UK - Apr 6

Velo Vintage Ride 7th Annual- Devon, UK - Apr 11

Tweed Run Budapest, HU - Apr 11

Tweed Ride Portland, OR - Apr 12

Tweed Run London, UK - Apr 18

Tweed Brunch Ride Milan, IT - Apr 18

Tweed Ride Florence, IT - Apr 19

14th Liverpolitan Tweed Run - Apr 19

Tweed Ride Gütersloh, DE - Apr 19

Elegant Ride Sofia, BG - Apr - 19

Tweed Ride Traverse City, MN - Apr 25

Tweed Ride Cleveland, OH - Apr 25

Tweed Ride Boston, MA - Apr 26

Vienna Tweed Ride (Get YourTweedTunes) - Apr 26

Tweed Ride Sacramento, CA - Apr 26

CyclinginStyle- Vintage Ride, Leicester, UK - Apr 26

Tour de Derby Louisville, KY - Apr 26

Tweed Run Tochigi, JP - Apr 29

Tweed Ride Chieti, IT - May 2

Tweed Ride Oldenburg, DE - May 3

Tweed Ride Windsor, ON - May 9

Tweed Ride London, ON - May 9

Tweed Ride FedUni Ballarat, AU - May 9

Tweed Ride Northhampton, MA - May 10

Hastings Fish & Chips Ride Bexhill, UK - May 10

Tweed Ride Utrecht, NL - May 10

Tweed Ride Madrid, ES  - May 10

Tweed Ride Calgary, AB  - May 18

Tweed and Retro Ride Lewes, UK - May 30

Vienna Tweed Ride Picnic - Jun 7

Eroica Britannia, UK - Jun 19 to 21

Retro GPCC Tweed Ride Valladolid, ES - Jul 19

Tweed Ride Malmö - Sept 7

Tweed Retro Ride (Achielle) Pittem, BE - Sept 13

Tweed Ride Stockholm - Sept 19

Tweed Ride Berlin, DE - Sept 20

For this month's April write-up and all things Tweed Ride related I'd like to remind everyone (in case you living under a rock) that we're looking at another month of fantastic spring rides with The London Tweed Run coming to mind first and foremost. April Saturday 18th is the date. It is so important an event -- but I somehow missed listing it in last month's March edition. How could that happen? Well something that is as big and well known an event as The London Tweed Run - but of course I must have listed it! 

It never ceases to amaze me how well supported our community feels in all the ways in which people are reaching out, connecting and keeping in touch with each other’s events as they happen throughout the year.  I wish I had time and energy to quote and bring to life here on RididngPretty’s blog all the wonderful photos and sentiments that have been shared in The Tweed Ride Report Community, hosted via Facebook.  

I’ve seriously thought about doing that -- expanding the scope, breadth and depth for all sorts of topics of interest related to Tweed Rides, especially those having the greatest resonance and relevance for everyone.  Doing that would lead to an increased frequency in blog posts. As it stands, I average one post a month and you’re reading it. It’s the once monthly edition of The Tweed Ride Report and it has been regularly appearing here for years now. 

Do I want to expand to more Tweed Ride related blog posts?  I could, but a lot has changed since I first started this blog. I’m sure other bloggers in our own bicycle/girls on bikes blogshere who no longer blog could cite any number of reasons as to why they no longer blog. Reasons I myself could just as easily cite. Who knows where this is all leading. I haven’t decided yet. I’ll keep you informed. Promise.

You can see what rides were happening in March 2014 and March 2013

The FB community connection : Join Us in the conversation in our -- The Tweed Ride (Report) Community which you can find on FaceBook.

THE TWEED RIDE REPORT - Please visit: There you can get in touch. Connecting you with the various ride organizers, the ride details and the event site – it’s also where you'll find the incredible design posters that link to the actual ride event itself.

Thanks for supporting.  Thanks for visiting!

#tweedride        #tweedrun       #tweedridereport