Tweed Run Cardiff, UK - Aug 24
Atlanta Seersucker Social – Aug 24
Chicago 3rd Seersucker Social and Picnic (The Chainlink) – August 24
Harris Tweed Ride Glasgow - Aug 25
Tweed Ride Rio de Janeiro - Aug 25
Tweed Ride Akureyvi, Iceland – Aug 31
Tweed Run Moscow - Sept TBD
Tweed Ride Malmo, SE – Sept 7
Tweed Ride Winnipeg Canada - Sept 8
Tweed Run (The Ninth) Liverpolitan, UK - Sept 8
Tweed Ride Vienna (Radkult Festival) – Sept 13th
Tweed Ride Vancouver – Sept 15
Tweed Ride East Bay(SFBay) - Sept 15
Vienna Tweed Ride (Tour du Monde) – Oct 6th
Tweed Ride Foley, Alabama (Baldwin Bicycle Fest) - Nov 2
It’s the August Edition of the THE TWEED RIDE REPORT presented here via RidingPretty's Blog. Please note that there are original posters for the various rides you see listed above, giving much richer detail – simply visit: THE TWEED RIDE REPORT. Use the links and connections you find there to be in touch with the ride organizers of these various individual events. The list seen above is an overview to quickly give you an idea of what is coming up for this month and the next few months after.
The Tweed Ride (Report) Community - If you’d like to get the most updated information concerning any other rides as they come up, or other pertinent news and such then please go visit.
Consider this an invitation to join us - The Tweed Ride (Report) Community. Our community likes to stay informed about all the various upcoming rides and goings on as we continue to support one another’s rides. As a member you are welcome to voice what is important to you and join in with your say. Thanks to everyone for continuing to send in new rides! Thanks for keeping up with and visiting the Tweed Ride Report Editions each month.
Regarding getting a new ride listed for the next Edition - please let me know and I will be sure to add your ride to the September Edition. By sending in your ride announcements as early as possible, it gives everyone out there more time to plan for the event, perhaps even give a hand in planning for it and getting the word out.