I started my RidingPretty blog in January 2008 as a personal blog around varying things I love such as; bicycles, documenting bicycle lifestyles, photography, fashion related stories, practical DIY tips -- whatever tickled my fancy. My mission, passion statement:
"Dedicated to all those girls in the world who want to look pretty while riding a bicycle" - circa 2007- 2008.In essence a bicycle blog created for chic bicycle girls, offering bicycle DIY tips, featuring stylish girls riding their bicycles, all things vintage, street style photography, bicycle fashion trend spotting, bicycle community advocacy and so much more.
These days this blog is home to The Tweed Ride Report, which is both a monthly edition as well as a yearly calendar. The yearly calendar contains all the poster invitations and links to the ride event itself and ride organizers.
If you're the kind of person who likes to keep up with Tweed Rides, Tweed Runs, Seersucker Socials, Vintage Theme Rides -- then you've found the right place, the people, the inspiration. Welcome!
The Tweed Ride Report - The Best in Tweed Rides and Tweed Runs from all over the World - an ongoing events calendar since 2009 and found only here on RidingPretty’s blog!
The Tweed Ride Report (Community) on FB - Open Community - Come Join Us!
RidingPretty Personal FB Profile
RidingPretty's Official Page on FB
RidingPretty on Twitter
RidingPretty on Pinterest
RidingPretty on Instagram
RidingPretty Google+
Reach me by Hashtag
currently in circulation:
#tweedride #tweedrun #tweedridereport #@ridingpretty #ridingprettyblog
Product reviews and endorsements -- RidingPretty has not had or blogged about any products, done any reviews or backed endorsements for years now. For that reason I do not respond to any requests for product endorsements and/or reviews on this blog. Otherwise contact me on pinterest and I will consider linking to your product via my pinterest board named "Best Bike Innovations". Thanks for considering my influence in promoting your products and/or service.
So as not to be confused.
My original hashtag #ridingpretty has been re-purposed in 2010 and again 2012 -- and is still currently in use by other groups taking on the moniker "RidingPretty". Their group activities and agenda are very different from RidingPretty.com or what this blog, myself included represents.
Also confusing is BikePretty or Bike Pretty est. in 2012, very similar in name / theme (but how confusing!) -- however two separate entities entirely.
Email: shelly[at]ridingpretty.com
I welcome your emails!