21 February 2011

The Tweed Run London- 2011

London Tweed Run 2011 shared by RidingPretty


Via my Twitter search feed, the London Tweed Run 2011 – Honestly I saw the original tweet come up in REAL TIME (4 days ago). You though must Act Fast if you want to reserve tickets. Registration starts at Noon on Feb. 26th. Last year all 400 spots sold out within 45 minutes!

Now for those you who may be unfamiliar with the London Tweed Run, -- It is the Granddaddy, the first, the original! Here’s my first blog post ever written about Tweed anything. This is the one that started it all.

Source: (my) Twitter

**(this year’s brilliant poster by ZoĆ« Barker) via TweedRun.com
